Get in touch

Contact us


Schedule a Consult

Thank you for considering Birth Wellness for your care. 

To schedule a consult, please call or text us at 423-443-4335 or send us an email at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Keep in mind we may be taking care of mothers and babies which can delay our response to you by a few days. We are not in the office on weekends, after hours, or during religious and national holidays.

Birth Wellness

Schedule a Consult

Thank you for considering Birth Wellness for your care.  Please take a moment to fill out the Consult Form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Keep in mind we may be taking care of mothers and babies which can delay our response to you by a few days. We are not in the office on weekends, after hours, or during religious and national holidays.

The first day of your LMP
It's okay of it's not exact, please provide your best estimate.
1st, 2nd, 3rd...
If you have had a baby, please let us know what your birth experiences were like and what your hopes are for this baby. If this is your first baby or you are planning to become pregnant, let us know what your hopes are.
What kinds of foods do you eat every day? Do you consider your diet healthy, with lots of fresh whole foods and high quality protein? Do you regularly eat fast food, sodas, and sugars?
What kind of activities are you involved in? Do you exercise? Walk? Are you active or sedentary?
Office Hours

Tue-Thu: 10am-4pm
By appointment only


Phone: 423-443-4335
Fax: 423-208-9766

Our Location

606 Belvoir Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37412